Privacy in our world

It is a simple matter to get your credit card, bank and other financial company data.  While there are safeguards in effect to prevent this, consider that a lot of the folks with legal access to this data are not paid very much, well, enough said  Your credit report likely has a nice list of all your important financial connections. Got a modern cell phone, unless, you turn off tracking, your phone knows where you have been. Between the  phone and facial recognition, your exact locations are pretty easy to track. Got a resume, is it online somewhere? Now for public information, ever been arrested, got a speeding ticket, own property?  This is not a comprehensive list, but you get the idea.

If you want to cut down on how you are tracked on the web use the the Ghostery extension, which allows you to stop some of the tracking cookies. Of course, they can track your ip address and there are services that associate ip with physical addresses.  The Brave Browser and other software that is designed to help protect you privacy while browsing are under development.

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